Fancy Sauce chords & tabs

Take me to the inn
Called the loony bin
Somewhere I can rest my head
And take it on the chin
Flowers all in bloom
In my rubber room
Scratching at the wallpaper
In my solitude
Go go
Falling like a yo-yo
Paradise for locos
Medicate my sorrow
I'm not crazy
You're the one that's crazy
Everybody's crazy
Getting stoned and lazy
As we all die young someday
We all die young someday
We all die young and watch it slip away
We all die young someday
Howling at the moon
In the afternoon
Watch the evening news
'Cause it's my favorite cartoon
Gonna join a cult
Do a somersault
Everyone's a victim
And it makes me want to puke
Go go
Falling like a yo-yo
Paradise for locos
Medicate my sorrow
I'm so famous
You're the one that's famous
Everybody's famous
Stupid and contagious
As we all die young someday
We all die young someday
We all die young and watch it slip away
We all die young someday
We all die young someday
How to read these chord schemes

1 - chord name, 2 - chord designation, 3 - chord scheme

Chord name

There is the name of a chord before the symbols. If it's "*" added to a name, it means that this chord is played in different positions during the song.

Chord designation

There are 6 symbols in a designation, read it from left to right. The first symbol defines the thickest string (6th string), the second symbol defines 5th string and so on.

"0" means open string

"x" means this string isnt played

"Number" means number of a fret.



6th string isnt played
5th string is open
4th string is played on 2nd fret
3rd string is played on 2nd fret
2nd string is played on 2nd fret
1st string is open

Chord scheme

Imagine that you are looking at the fret while playing guitar - the closest string to your eyes is the 6th, the thickest string. There are 6 horizontal lines defines strings, the upper one is the thinnest string (1st string).
And there are 4 lines defined frets - no exact frets numbers defined.
In some schemes there is a thick line on the left - it defines the nut.

  • "0" means open string
  • "x" means this string isnt played
  • Fat dots mean fingers positions


G5 355xxx